OUR DOGS - Adoption
The Shar Pei below are currently available for adoption.
If you are interested, please complete the enquiry form provided below indicating which Shar Pei you are enquiring about for adoption.
if you want to register for short term fostering or make a general application for a potential adoption in the future, please also use the enquiry form below.

Meet Keeta

Meet Ollie (Neeps)

Meet Libby

Meet Blu and Winnie.
We would love for Winnie (tan colour) and Blu (grey colour) to be Adopted together as they get on so well, Both are young and daft. Winnie is loud and silly on the lead as she has come from a non socialisation background, she is very excitable to meet everyone and anything that moves and lets it be known vocally, Blu has come from an also unsocialised situation but calmer and more settled. Both handle meeting new dogs and people very well in a slow calm controlled enviroment. Winnie and Blu can be rehomed separately if needed. Winnie is prime for training on and Blu is more ready for guidance from his owner. Both in the correct hands could become amazing well behaved dogs
UPDATE - both now adopted

Meet Nyla

Bruno - adopted

Meet Bud (Buddie)
OUR DOGS - Fostering
The Shar Pei below are currently available for fostering.
If you are interested, please complete the enquiry form provided below indicating which Shar Pei you are enquiring about for fostering.
if you want to register for short term fostering in the future, please also use the enquiry form below.

Meet Whiskey
We urgently need a foster for this wee boy that is coming out of the pound tomorrow!!! He’s a sweet boy a little nervous but once he gets to know you he’s fine . Great temperament and good with dogs. Not cat tested. No skin issues as far as we have been told .
If you can help, or need more information, please complete the enquiry form below.
Fostering or Adoption Enquiry Form

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